International Geopolitical Essay Competition – 6th edition
The honorary patronage
- Rector of the State Academy of Applied Sciences in Chełm, prof. Beata Fałda
- Senator of the Republic of Poland prof. Józef Zając
- Department of International Relations of the State Academy of Applied Sciences in Chełm
- Polish Geopolitical Society, Chełm Branch
- Student Scientific Club of International Relations of the State University of Applied Sciences in Chełm.
The competition involves writing an essay on one of the following topics:
- Geopolitical consequences of AI development
- Global waste export – between environmental responsibility and neocolonialism
- Geopolitical effects of migration crises in Europe
- USA-Israel: a lasting alliance or a geopolitical necessity?
- Global implications of BRICS expansion – a challenge to the West?
- Climate change as a factor of geopolitical destabilization
- The post-western era? The future of the liberal international order in a multipolar world
- The geopolitics of space – who will win the race for dominance beyond Earth?
- Sovereignty versus interdependence – will nation-states survive the 21st century?
- The role of the European Union in global politics – normative power or geopolitical player?
- Geopolitical rivalry over Greenland – between autonomy and great power influence
The deadline for submitting works is March 31, 2025.
The competition results will be announced no later than April 7, 2025. Information about the results of the Competition will be available at
Competition participants will be notified of the results via e-mail and the Competition website.
Iwona Lasek-Surowiec PhD,
- The work must be prepared in a text editor, Times New Roman (font size 12, margins 2.5 cm, line spacing 1.5).
- The length of the text cannot exceed 10 typewritten pages. It is possible to send the work by post or in an electronic version as a PDF file to the address, e-mail title: Essay competition.
- The title page template is included in Annex 1 to these Regulations.
- Together with the essay, please send an application form and a statement on the processing of personal data (Appendix No. 3).
- The bibliography should be arranged alphabetically.
- Appendix version pdf / version docx
The organizers of the Competition provide for the winners (I, II, III place, separately in the category of students/students):
- material and book prizes,
- the opportunity for free publication of their essay in one of the scientific journals or monographs published by PANS in Chelm, with the publication to be released no later than 2026,
- free participation in one of the conferences in the field of international relations/security/geopolitics, organized by PANS in Chelm in 2025 or 2026.
All Competition Participants will receive diplomas.
The winners of the Competition may be those who obtain the highest number of points determined by the Competition Committee.
10 best Competition Participants (total in the pupils/students category) will be qualified to the second stage of the 8th edition of the International Geopolitical Olympiad organized by the Polish Geopolitical Society, without having to participate in the first stage of the Olympiad, but provided they express written consent to participate in the Olympiad.
- Arkadiusz Tofil – Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of PANS in Chełm;
- Jurij Hajduk – Director of the Institute of Foreign Languages and International Relations of PANS in Chełm;
- Magdalena Kawa – Head of the Department of International Relations of PANS in Chełm;
- Halyna Lutsyshyn – Head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the Lviv Polytechnic National University;
- Natalia Stetsiuk – Head of the Department of International Relations of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in Ivano-Frankivsk;
- Yuliia Kobets – Head of the Department of Institutions and Political Processes of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in Ivano-Frankivsk;
- Ignacy Kitowski – member of the PTG Scientific Council;
- Tetyana Strutynska – Department of International Relations of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in Ivano-Frankivsk;
- Iwona Lasek-Surowiec – Department of International Relations of PANS in Chełm, a chairwoman of the Chełm Branch of the PTG /secretary/;
- Katarzyna Dziubińska-Wójcik – supervisor of the Student Scientific Club of International Relations PANS in Chełm;
- Marcin Oskierko – Department of Internal Security of PANS in Chełm, Chełm Branch of PTG;
- Emilia Ordyniec – Department of Internal Security of PANS in Chełm, Chełm Branch of PTG;
- Małgorzata Wilczyńska – Faculty of Economics and Management of PANS in Jarosław;
- Sławomir Żurawski – Department of Internal Security of PANS in Chełm.